Notes on  Documented Argument Essay

DOCUMENTED ARGUMENT PAPER  BASICS: This assignment will result in a 1500wd essay that uses 5-8 sources to support a deductively reasoned thesis. The  topic should be controversial,  one you feel strongly about and for which you can find strong evidence. This is a position paper, not just an investigation or review of evidence.

Links to more specifics and Classical Appeals: Aristotle's Appeals, Rhetoric and The Classical Appeals | Using Fear (threat) to Persuade (rescue | Reason and Argument>Philosophy

 DOCUMENTED ARGUMENT: Find a Topic--possibly something in your field...? Use MLA style for topics in the Humanities and APA style for topics in the Natural Sciences/Social Sciences : APA template| MS APA template | APA citing> Bibme | Citation Machine |  gen.APA GUIDE |  APA Position GUIDE: model peer rev. APA science papers

Stage 1
—Do a loop exploration ( or other brain-storming writing) of the topic to find a working/initial thesis—(if the topic changes, do fresh exploratory/brainstorming writing.) Write an initial thesis based on Part 6.

Stage 2--Make a research question that will lead your research to find 5-8 sources (at least 1-2 peer reviewed) that are evidence for key points/ideas. Start a working Works Cited/Resources list (final bib. list is only sources actually credited IN paper) and add notes to make an Annotated Bibliography. Ann.Bib.example Ann.Bib instructions (-basically 3-7 sentences that: summarize the source, describe its credibility, indicate how you might use it, (or not).) to draw from. There may be more sources listed in Annotated Bib. than are part of Works Cited/Resources list, depending on which ones are credited/cited IN the paper itself. 

Stage 3--Identify:
  • formal (specific) working Thesis Sentence (aka Main Claim) reflecting valid Deductive Reasoning that denotes the field of study ( Humanities/MLA or Social Sciences/APA)
  • have at least 3 reasons for that claim and 
  • 1-2 cites to authoritative evidence for each reason
  • the primary counter arg./opposing viewpoint--counter-argument
Stage 4—Continue expanding the working draft of this argument paper to 1500 wds that
  • follows the general format of a formal argument/position essay 
  • incorporates at least 5 sources, in MLA style, (at least 1-2 must be peer reviewed sources) from the annotated bibliography
  • includes the main opposing view(s) and counters it (them) with reasoning/evidence i.e. (the counter-argument)
  • includes the Works Cited list, i.e., the sources from the annotated list that are actually cited in the paper)
Stage 5--- Finish via peer edit, proofing, polishing final draft and packet for turn-in--with TS underlined

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