WR65 Rhetoric/Critical Thinking II
CRN 45266  10:15pm - 12:35  streaming

Instructor: Jane Thielsen M.A.I.S. 
jthielsen@cocc.edu  |  cocc.edu  

 Essay 2:
wk class in-class activity/material Assignment (written work due) for next class --
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intros, docs-- MLA style | Search for the idea of "heroism," and the formal definition of "hero,"  Even though "genocide" is not part of every conflict through human history, the path of the hero is part of nearly every story. The Hero's Journey" and StarwarsGenocide is a recurring element even in modern life, and was the intent in such conflicts as WWII, and the numerous ones listed here. We are interested in the heroes. Write: A1 Type 250 wds.on what you already know about WWII and about the Native American experience since European arrivals and any other examples of genocide. (for turn-in hard copy next class) Use MLA class template, avoid using "you," but no formal citing is needed. This is personal writing--not formal. but it must be typed...

Discuss assignment -- Vocabulary: words found even ones you think you think you know... like: hero, etc. Turn in A1-  FYI-Signal Phrase chart   for general credit to sources within a sentence.| Narration/Story/ Description (ND) |  2-part response template
Campbell and Heroes Journey | Who Joseph Campbell was.
READ-The Hero's Journey , then respond to this pattern as a way of understanding human activities, even in your own experience. Please use this  2-part response template for  A2   -[Support with credit to the words of the text that support your thinking like: according to--or_??writes...] Define any words you aren't sure of. List them as you find them with a brief dictionary definition at the end of the response.  
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Discuss assignment-- Turn in A2 - -review in-text citing, quotes, etc. and as needed Integrating source info.in-text MLA | YouTube tutorial on in-text citing--MLA(new) | another in-text tutorial | FYI-Signal Phrase chart    Define "catharsis."
Read: A| to write a 2-part response  that focuses on: The Power of Good--  Nicolas Winton, any  and heroic qualities you can find in this reading. Give specifics, evidence and reasoning. Define any words you may not be sure of.
 Discuss reading, focus, find Winton's heroic qualities, then turn in  A3   |  support for making a thesis statement | car ad for seeing thesis |Thesis Statements | Finding a focus | brief intro. Notes on Expository, Essay 1   Read the Zookeeper's Wife (excerpts) and do 2-part response include any heroic elements you see, (extend response as needed) on define unfamiliar vocabulary  
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Discuss A3 and meaning of "response" | basic elements of a sentence
FYI other Winton links:  Winton's Daughter | 60 Minutes

  2-part response A4=  2-part response On ZW excerpt (videos optional) include:

  1. any heroic elements and any
  2. narrative/meaning elements and
  3. descriptive (5sense) data that re-creates parts of the ZW reading for you. 
  4. Identify any similarities to Winton's experience.   

Define any  unknown words. AND think about some issues or topics to investigate & write about, regarding heroes--for Essay 1

turn in A4    | Notes on Full Circle Writing  site for  Heroes of WWII  |   Notes on Expository (for Essay1)  Finding good sources COCC databases

Start A5:  1.define xenophobia and discuss this focus question: What enables someone to put him or her self at risk to help others even if they don't like them? review heroic qualities: 2. complete a Topic Exploration Exercise
Write a 500+wd. draft l Notes on Expository (for Essay1) list 2-3 possible sources.  Finding good sources  | COCC databases | Review Topic Exp. (-Part of A5) find a starting thesis sentence in Part 6--| more suggestions for E1 topic : Heroes of WWII  or Search for: The Ghost Army | How Gen. Patton Saved Lipizzaner Horses, any other suggestions?
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Discuss first paragraphs of draft (500-700wds.) and Notes on Expository (for Essay1)  and/or note at least 2 possible sources for support.--Types of periodicals/ ar/icles-Peer Reviewed, etc | GoogleBks/ periodicals | JStor.org | Thesis guidelines |   A5  -turn in on Canvas Complete a final Topic Exp. for - JStor.org | GoogleBks/periodicals- | Thesis guidelines  | Have a rough draft of E1 Notes on Expository (for Essay1) to next class for peer edit.  Signal Phrases1
Work on E1, sources, Citation Producer - Citation Builder | conference on draft-- peer edit -- FYI  E1 scoring form
work on WWII/hero paper-- scoring form "-Review Thesis sentence guidelines
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E1 draft: turn in rough/early draft via email or Canvas to instructor and student partner. Use the  peer edit  form for feedback. Next class finish E1 packet including a Process writing  finish E1= (1) the final version E1, (2)an early draft, (3)a peer edit, (4) finished Topic Exploration Exercise  and 5) Process writing

Turn in E1 packet=(1) the final version E1, (2)an early draft, (3)a peer edit, (4) finished Topic Exploration Exercise  and 5) a Process writing
  A6 - DO 2-part response w/citing to Genocide in America
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review and discuss A6 |  review using in-text citing and  Signals

integrating sources into a draft as expert evidence
 2-part response w/in-text citing  A7 to What US Founding Fathers Learned from NA

Work on/finish A7 - 2-part response to What US Founding Fathers Learned from NA | Review integrating sources into a draft and citing.  Watch A National Focus on Atrocity

Do  2-part response  A8 to  A National Focus on Atrocity, signal and cite from sources to support.
Citation Machine | Knightcite | Signal Phrases1 | Signal Phrases 2

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 Discuss A8 and turn in |   Read Abstract of "Treatment of NA and What Nazi May Have Learned"  &  How America's history of Slavery and Genocide Inspired Nazi Plans --
Work on A9 - a  2-part response w/citing >>What Hitler/Nazis May Have Learned from US govt."  &  How America's History of  Slavery and Genocide Inspired Nazi Plans --

Discuss A9  . Practice signal phrases and citing.   
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  • Chief Seattle's Speech- most authentic version | Campbell transcript version  |  Chief Seattle's Reply |

  •  A10 Do a  2-part response w/citing to a possible  problem with the Chief Seattle material or its value.

    Discuss A10  and  the Hero's Journey in the context of WWII and Native American losses to prepare for Essay 2: a 1000wd paper (4-5pp, w/ 3-5 sources (1-2 peer reviewed) on some  facet of NativeAmerican Experience:    a hero, heroic action (by anyone) or a combination of  NA, Jewish and or other experiences of Native Americans. Connect to Campbell's elements of the heroic journey. 


    E2   Try some of these Brain-storming ideas to identify possible topics. Bring in at least 2-3 possible topics--make notes as needed. Do  a Topic Exp. on the topic focus you want. Check Google searches, etc. and  COCC peer rev databases to find possible sources for evidence for most likely topic. Copy/paste information on best ones in notes or reading journal.     More on finding databases:
    For Peer Reviewed sources > COCC databases  >  All databases > Academic Search Premier (be sure to check the boxes for "Full Text " and "Peer Reviewed") FYI: Searching on Google Scholar  may not return enough articles on-topic.
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    do a Topic Exploration Exercise on your topic and from Part 6, make a working thesis

    More E2 TOPIC ideas: For NA heroes search for Chief Joseph, Sacagawea, war chiefs, recent NA heroes like Russell Means, events like the Lakota pipeline, cultural heritage, and lots more--just search! 
    Basic Paper Builder Worksheet |
  • WITH a working list of sources. 1-2 must be PEER REVIEWED.

  • TH
    refine the-Topic Exploration Exercise | Position Paper Work Page.docx |  Gerund work page |  Quixote/Sentence Rx Position Paper Work Page.docx |research for sources
    10 T
    Workshop day---peer edit  | scoring form | Final study guide |
    Comma Splices/Fused Sentences  More sentences review  
    research for sources
    No Class   (Thanksgiving) work on paper  | scoring form | Final study guide |
     Position Paper Work Page.docx

    Bring draft -peer edit of   E2  check grammar, punctuation, etc. scoring form |  Comma Splices/Fused Sentences | More sentences review | Citing Practice |  Final study guide
    Finalize E2--Study for exam   Final study guide|
    Finals review-- Take Home Final instructions -  Finalize E2--
    FINALS FINAL-- Thursday Dec. 8, 2022  -- 10:15

    All materials developed by Jane Thielsen © copyright 2022 : other materials available under Fair Use guidelines for students in this course only: all rights reserved